I watch porn. Like just about everybody else.
It's invariably extraordinarily disappointing, however. There might be some extremely sexy images - a moment when the actors cease to be actors and become people just enjoying themselves having sex (a harder thing to do in porn than you would think; they put themselves in extremely awkward poses so the camera can see what is going on, and then there's being surrounded by people and bright lights, and then that they're getting instructions from a director off-camera, etc etc etc).
But the porn itself is -boring-. It's just skipping from sex scene to sex scene with the barest hint of reasoning.
Here's the thing: the Internet provides this. I can see all the sex I want, for free to boot, at a site like redtube.
I don't go to a video store and rent porn for a plotless series of sex scenes that probably won't even be the kind of thing I like to see.
I go to a video store and rent porn so I can see a -movie-. With good acting and a real plot. And yes, sex scenes.
The sex scenes in Caligula aren't particularly interesting, but I adore the movie for the fact that it has a story; okay, the explicit sex scenes are random and rather disconnected from the plot and don't really involve the actors themselves, but at least I don't have to suspend disbelief to watch it, and the acting is actually pretty good.
There don't seem to be any movies out there with the critical combination of good acting, a good plot, and real sex scenes, which to my mind are the necessary ingredients to a good pornographic film.
Am I the only one who feels this way? Is it such a niche market that nobody is taking advantage of it? Or am I just looking in the wrong places?
thats true n it makes most porn movies boring